Client Service
George Medici provides clients with direct counsel and concierge-like tactical support that is truly unique. His expertise combines the depth of resources usually associated with large international public relations agencies and the nimbleness of a mid-sized or specialty firm, offering clients the best of both worlds. His value-added service gives clients big idea thinking along with the ability to implement programs in a cost-efficient manner.
George has a long track record of working in a variety of leading roles for a host of top-tier public relations agencies. His ability to service clients across many disciplines gives him a deeper, broader level of experience that is not limited to one primary function.
He is an expert in all aspects of client service, whether it is program development, branding, crisis communications or media relations. This translates into counsel that is truly multifaceted. Medici’s versatile background allows him to simultaneously factor in many variables when advising clients. The result is clients get more bang for their buck, and receive the most targeted, efficient communications counsel well beyond the industry standard.